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CameraLens QML Type

Provides the projection matrix that is used to define a Camera for 3D scene.

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CameraLens QML Type

  • Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.5

  • Inherits: Component3D

  • Instantiates:: QCameraLens

Detailed Description


Property Documentation


aspectRatio : real

Holds the current aspect ratio of the camera lens.

bottom : real

Holds the current bottom plane of the camera lens.

farPlane : real

Holds the current near plane of the camera lens.

fieldOfView : real

Holds the current field of view of the camera lens in degrees.

left : real

Holds the current left plane of the camera lens.

nearPlane : real

Holds the current near plane of the camera lens.

[read-only] projectionMatrix : matrix4x4

Holds the current projection matrix of the camera lens.

This will set the projection type to Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::CustomProjection and thus ignore all other camera parameters that might have been specified.

projectionType : enumeration

Holds the type of the camera projection.

See Also

right : real

Holds the current right plane of the camera lens.

top : real

Holds the current top plane of the camera lens.

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