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RenderSurfaceSelector QML Type

Provides a way of specifying the render surface.

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RenderSurfaceSelector QML Type

Detailed Description

The RenderSurfaceSelector can be used to select the surface, where Qt3D renders the content. The surface can either be window surface or offscreen surface. The externalRenderTargetSize is used to specify the actual size of the render target when offscreen surface is used.

When DPI scaling is used by the system, the logical surface size, which is used by mouse events, and the actual 'physical' size of the surface can differ. The surfacePixelRatio is the factor to convert the logical size to the physical size.

Property Documentation


externalRenderTargetSize : size

Holds the size of the external render target.

surface : QSurface

Holds the surface.

surfacePixelRatio : real

Holds the surfacePixelRatio of the surface.

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