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SystemInformation QML Type

Provides information about the system.

This type was introduced in Qt 6.4.

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SystemInformation QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtCore 6.4

  • Since:: Qt 6.4

  • Inherits:: QtObject

Detailed Description

The SystemInformation singleton type provides information about the system, using a similar API to QSysInfo, where each function in QSysInfo is available as a property:

if (SystemInformation.wordSize === 64) {
    console.log("64 bit")
} else {
    console.log("32 bit")

if (SystemInformation.byteOrder === SystemInformation.Little) {
    console.log("Little endian")
} else {
    console.log("Big endian")

console.log("Currently running on " + SystemInformation.prettyProductName)

See Also

See also QSysInfo

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