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InsightTracker QML Type

Provides an interface to the Qt Insight Tracker.

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InsightTracker QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtInsightTracker 6.5

  • Instantiates:: QInsightTracker

I. Detailed Description


II. Property Documentation


II-1. enabled : bool

This property can be used to enable and disable the tracker.

III. Method Documentation


III-1. clearCache()

Clear all events from the local cache.

III-2. sendClickEvent(string name, string category, int x, int y)

Send a click event name. Event can have extra details with category and click coordinates x and y.

III-3. sendClickEvent(string name, string category, int x, int y, string contextKey, double contextValue)

This is an overloaded function.

Send a click event name with additional context data. Event can have extra details with category and click coordinates x and y. Additional context data can be sent as a key/value pair in contextKey and contextValue.

III-4. sendScreenView(string name)

Send a screen view event name.

III-5. sendScreenView(string name, string contextKey, double contextValue)

This is an overloaded function.

Send a screen view event name with additional context data. Additional context data can be sent as a key/value pair in contextKey and contextValue.

III-6. startNewSession()

Start a new session A new session id is generated and then used in all subsequent events.

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