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mapType QML Type

The mapType type holds information about a map type.

This type was introduced in QtLocation 5.5.

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mapType QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtLocation 6.5

  • Since: QtLocation 5.5

  • Group: mapType is part of QML Maps Plugin

Detailed Description

This includes the map type's name and description, the style and a flag to indicate if the map type is optimized for mobile devices (mobile).

Property Documentation


[since QtLocation 5.10] cameraCapabilities : CameraCapabilities

This property holds the camera capabilities for this map type.

This property was introduced in QtLocation 5.10.

description : string

This read-only property holds the description of the map type as a single formatted string.

[since QtLocation 5.10] metadata : VariantMap

This property holds optional, extra metadata related to a specific map type. The content of this property is entirely plugin-specific.

This property was introduced in QtLocation 5.10.

mobile : bool

Whether the map type is optimized for the use on a mobile device.

Map types for mobile devices usually have higher constrast to counteract the effects of sunlight and a reduced color for improved readability.

name : string

This read-only property holds the name of the map type as a single formatted string.

[since QtLocation 5.4] night : bool

Whether the map type is optimized for use at night.

Map types suitable for use at night usually have a dark background.

This property was introduced in QtLocation 5.4.

style : enumeration

This read-only property gives access to the style of the map type.

  • MapType.NoMap - No map.

  • MapType.StreetMap - A street map.

  • MapType.SatelliteMapDay - A map with day-time satellite imagery.

  • MapType.SatelliteMapNight - A map with night-time satellite imagery.

  • MapType.TerrainMap - A terrain map.

  • MapType.HybridMap - A map with satellite imagery and street information.

  • MapType.GrayStreetMap - A gray-shaded street map.

  • MapType.PedestrianMap - A street map suitable for pedestriants.

  • MapType.CarNavigationMap - A street map suitable for car navigation.

  • MapType.CycleMap - A street map suitable for cyclists.

  • MapType.CustomMap - A custom map type.

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