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LiteralOperand QML Type

The OPC UA LiteralOperand type.

This type was introduced in QtOpcUa 5.13.

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LiteralOperand QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtOpcUa

  • Since: QtOpcUa 5.13

Detailed Description

The LiteralOperand is defined in OPC-UA part 4, It contains a literal value that is to be used as operand for filters.

Setting the type should be done to match the expected types on the server. Otherwise the type will be guessed and may lead to errors because it does not match on the server.

import QtOpcUa as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.LiteralOperand {
    value: 43.21
    type: QtOpcUa.Constants.Double

Property Documentation


type : QOpcUa.Types

Type of the value of the literal operand.

value : variant

Value of the literal operand.

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