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RelativeNodeId QML Type

Specifies a relative node by a start node and a path.

This type was introduced in QtOpcUa 5.12.

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RelativeNodeId QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtOpcUa

  • Since: QtOpcUa 5.12

Detailed Description

Proceeding from the given start node, the server tries to match the content of the path property to any existing nodes on the server. Only if the path fully matches to exactly one single target node, it will be used. Partial or multiple matches can not be handled and are treated as error.

import QtOpcUa as QtOpcUa

QtOpcUa.RelativeNodeId {
    startNode: QtOpcUa.RelativeNodeId {
            identifier: "s=Example.Node"
            ns: "Example Namespace"
    path: [ QtOpcUa.RelativeNodePath {
                ns: "Test Namespace"
                browseName: "SomeName"

See Also

See also NodeId, Node

Property Documentation


path : list

Search path for the designated node. This is a list of OpcUaRelativeNodePath objects specifying the path where the target node can be found relative to the start node.

startNode : NodeId

Namespace of the node identifier. The start node specifies the node where resolving the path starts. It can be an absolute or relative node ID.

See Also

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