CoordinateAnimation QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtPositioning 6.5
Inherits: PropertyAnimation
Detailed Description▲
A specialized PropertyAnimation that defines an animation between two coordinates.
By default, a latitude of the coordinate is animated in the direction of shortest (geodesic) distance between those coordinates. Since CoordinateAnimation uses Mercator map projection, the latitude animation is always between -90 and 90 degrees. The longitude animation path is not limited and can go over 180 degrees in both west and east directions.
The direction property can be set to specify the direction in which the longitude animation should occur.
See Also▲
Property Documentation▲
direction : enumeration▲
This property holds the direction of the longitude animation of the coordinate.
Possible values are:
CoordinateAnimation.Shortest (default) - the longitude animation goes in the direction that produces the shortest animation path.
CoordinateAnimation.West - the longitude animation always goes into western direction and may cross the date line.
CoordinateAnimation.East - the longitude animation always goes into eastern direction and may cross the date line.
from : coordinate▲
This property holds the coordinate where the animation should begin.
to : coordinate▲
This property holds the coordinate where the animation should end.