eventPoint QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick
Instantiates:: QEventPoint
Detailed Description▲
eventPoint is the Qml value type representation of QEventPoint. It has the same properties as QEventPoint.
The following properties are available:
bool eventPoint.accepted: see also QEventPoint::accepted
PointerDevice eventPoint.device: see also QEventPoint::device
size eventPoint.ellipseDiameters: see also QEventPoint::ellipseDiameters
point eventPoint.globalGrabPosition: see also QEventPoint::globalGrabPosition
point eventPoint.globalLastPosition: see also QEventPoint::globalLastPosition
point eventPoint.globalPosition: see also QEventPoint::globalPosition
point eventPoint.globalPressPosition: see also QEventPoint::globalPressPosition
bool eventPoint.grabPosition: see also QEventPoint::grabPosition
int eventPoint.id: see also QEventPoint::id
point eventPoint.lastPosition: see also QEventPoint::lastPosition
ulong eventPoint.lastTimestamp: see also QEventPoint::lastTimestamp
point eventPoint.position: see also QEventPoint::position
point eventPoint.pressPosition: see also QEventPoint::pressPosition
int eventPoint.pressTimestamp: see also QEventPoint::pressTimestamp
real eventPoint.pressure: see also QEventPoint::pressure
real eventPoint.rotation: see also QEventPoint::rotation
point eventPoint.sceneGrabPosition: see also QEventPoint::sceneGrabPosition
point eventPoint.sceneLastPosition: see also QEventPoint::sceneLastPosition
point eventPoint.scenePosition: see also QEventPoint::scenePosition
ulong eventPoint.pressTimestamp: see also QEventPoint::pressTimestamp
point eventPoint.scenePressPosition: see also QEventPoint::scenePressPosition
enumeration eventPoint.state: see also QEventPoint::state
real eventPoint.timeHeld: see also QEventPoint::timeHeld
ulong eventPoint.timestamp: see also QEventPoint::timestamp
pointingDeviceUniqueId eventPoint.uniqueId: see also QEventPoint::uniqueId
vector2d eventPoint.velocity: see also QEventPoint::velocity
State supports the following values:
Qt.TouchPointUnknownState |
Unknown state. |
Qt.TouchPointStationary |
The event point did not move. |
Qt.TouchPointPressed |
The touch point or button is pressed. |
Qt.TouchPointMoved |
The event point was updated. |
Qt.TouchPointReleased |
The touch point or button was released. |
The States type is a typedef for QFlags<State>. It stores an OR combination of State values. See also QEventPoint::States
See Also▲
See also handlerPoint