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ChangeLanguageKey QML Type

Change language key for keyboard layouts.

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ChangeLanguageKey QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Components

  • Inherits: BaseKey

  • Group: ChangeLanguageKey is part of qmlclass, qtvirtualkeyboard-components-qml, qtvirtualkeyboard-key-types

Detailed Description

This key changes the current input language in the list of supported languages. The key has two function modes:

  • Popup mode

  • Toggle mode

The popup mode is enabled by the KeyboardStyle::languagePopupListEnabled property. If enabled, a key press will open a popup list with available languages. Otherwise it will cycle to the next available input language.

Property Documentation


customLayoutsOnly : bool

If this property is true, the input language is only changed between the languages providing custom layout.

For example, if only the English and Arabic languages provide digits layout, then other locales using the shared default layout are ignored.

The default is false.

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