ColorMaster QML Type▲
Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Effects 6.4
Detailed Description▲
The ColorMaster effect adjusts the color balance and saturation of the scene.
Property Documentation▲
blueStrength : real▲
A multiplication factor for the blue color channel. The range is [0...2]. The default value is 1.
greenStrength : real▲
A multiplication factor for the green color channel. The range is [0...2]. The default value is 1.5.
redStrength : real▲
A multiplication factor for the red color channel. The range is [0...2]. The default value is 1.
saturation : real▲
The strength of all the colors in the scene. The range is [-1...1], where -1 is fully desaturated, 0 is unmodified, and 1 is heavily oversaturated. The default value is 0.