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Fxaa QML Type

A fast approximate anti-aliasing effect.

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Fxaa QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Effects 6.5

Detailed Description

Use ExtendedSceneEnvironment instead.

All pre-made standalone effects in QtQuick3D.Effects are considered deprecated starting with Qt 6.5. To apply FXAA to the scene, use ExtendedSceneEnvironment instead.

Image non disponible

The FXAA effect applies fast approximate anti-aliasing to the scene. FXAA is a high-speed anti-aliasing technique that removes some of the artifacts from the image without impacting performance as heavily as super-sampling would.



  • Easy fix for many aliasing problems.

  • Works with moving images.

  • Can blur and distort fine text details.

  • As a screen-space heuristic technique, it can sometimes leave sharp edges that ideally would be anti-aliased.

Fxaa does not have adjustable properties.

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