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DebugView QML Type

View to show rendering statistics and perform debug and developer actions.

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DebugView QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Helpers

  • Inherits: Rectangle

Detailed Description

This helper allows viewing render performance statistics of a View3D. It shows the FPS, sync and render times. In addition, it can also show detailed statistics about draw calls, render passes, and the textures and meshes used by the scene's assets. The showing of such extended information is controlled by the resourceDetailsVisible property, which defaults to false.

For example, the following snippet shows how a DebugView can be added that shows its information in the top-left corner of the Qt Quick scene:

View3D {
    id: v3d
    anchors.fill: parent
    camera: camera
    PerspectiveCamera {
        id: camera
        position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 600)
DebugView {
    source: v3d
    resourceDetailsVisible: true

In addition, the Tools section allows performing actions such as turning on wireframe rendering, or visualizing various aspects of the material.

Property Documentation


resourceDetailsVisible : bool

Indicates whether the additional fields with detailed render pass, mesh, texture, and other resource statistics should be shown by default.

The default value is false, which means only CPU timings from the last rendered frame will be shown, unless the user interactively enables additional data via the on-screen checkbox. Change the value to true to make more information visible by default. This includes render pass details and the active assets for the last rendered frame.

source : var

Specifies the source View3D to show the statistics from.

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