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InfiniteGrid QML Type

Shows an infinite grid.

This type was introduced in Qt 6.5.

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InfiniteGrid QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Helpers

  • Since:: Qt 6.5

I. Detailed Description

This helper implements an infinite grid in the horizontal plane. The grid fades out as the grid lines converge or at the far clip distance, whichever comes first.

The grid needs to be a child of the SceneEnvironment.

View3D {
    environment: SceneEnvironment {
        backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.SkyBox
        lightProbe: Texture {
            textureData: ProceduralSkyTextureData{}
        InfiniteGrid {
            gridInterval: 100

II. Property Documentation


II-1. gridAxes : bool

This property determines whether the X and Y axes are marked. If true, the X-axis will be red and the Y-axis green. The default value is true.

II-2. gridInterval : float

This property defines the distance between grid lines. The default value is 1.0.

II-3. visible : bool

This property determines whether the grid is shown. The default value is true.

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