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IviSurface QML Type

Provides a simple way to identify and resize a surface.

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IviSurface QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtWayland.Compositor.IviApplication

Detailed Description

This type is part of the IviApplication extension and provides a way to extend the functionality of an existing WaylandSurface with a way to resize and identify it.

It corresponds to the Wayland ivi_surface interface.

Property Documentation


[read-only] iviId : int

This property holds the ivi id id of this IviSurface.

surface : WaylandSurface

This property holds the surface associated with this IviSurface.

Method Documentation


void initialize(IviApplication iviApplication, WaylandSurface surface, int iviId, WaylandResource resource)

Initializes the IviSurface, associating it with the given iviApplication, surface, iviId, and resource.

int sendConfigure(size size)

Sends a configure event to the client, telling it to resize the surface to the given size.

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