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TooltipRequest QML Type

A request for showing a tooltip to the user.

This type was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.10.

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TooltipRequest QML Type

  • Import Statement: import QtWebEngine

  • Since: QtWebEngine 1.10

Detailed Description

A TooltipRequest is a request object that is passed as a parameter of the WebEngineView::tooltipRequested signal. Use the onTooltipRequested signal handler to handle requests for custom tooltip menus at specific positions.

The accepted property of the request indicates whether the request is handled by the user code or the default tooltip should be displayed.

The following code uses a custom tooltip to handle the request:

WebEngineView {
    // ...
    onTooltipRequested: function(request) {
        if (request.type == TooltipRequest.Show) {
            tooltip.visible = true;
            tooltip.x = request.x;
            tooltip.y = request.y;
            tooltip.text = request.text;
        } else {
            tooltip.visible = false;
        request.accepted = true;
    // ...

Property Documentation


accepted : bool

Indicates whether the tooltip request has been accepted by the signal handler.

If the property is false after any signal handlers for WebEngineView::tooltipRequested have been executed, a default tooltip will be shown. To prevent this, set request.accepted to true.

The default is false.

[read-only] text : bool

The text of the tooltip. It contains an empty string when the tooltip should be hidden.

[read-only] type : enumeration

The type of the tooltip request.




The tooltip should be shown.


The tooltip should be hidden.

[read-only] x : int

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the requested tooltip.

[read-only] y : int

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the requested tooltip.

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