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QPdfSearchModel Class

The QPdfSearchModel class searches for a string in a PDF document and holds the results.

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QPdfSearchModel Class

Detailed Description

This is used in the Model/View Programming paradigm to display a list of search results, to highlight them on the rendered PDF pages, and to iterate through them using the "search forward" / "search backward" buttons and shortcuts that would be found in a typical document-viewing UI:

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Member Type Documentation


enum QPdfSearchModel::Role






The page number where the search result is found (int).



The index of the search result on the page (int).



The position of the search result on the page (QPointF).



The adjacent text on the page, before the search string (QString).



The adjacent text on the page, after the search string (QString).

See Also

See also QPdfLink

Property Documentation


document : QPdfDocument*

This property holds the document to search

Access functions:

  • *document() const

  • void setDocument( *document)

Notifier signal:

  • void documentChanged()

searchString : QString

This property holds the string to search for

Access functions:

  • searchString() const

  • void setSearchString(const &searchString)

Notifier signal:

  • void searchStringChanged()

Member Function Documentation


[explicit] QPdfSearchModel::QPdfSearchModel(QObject *parent)

Constructs a new search model with parent object parent.

[override virtual] QPdfSearchModel::~QPdfSearchModel()

Destroys the model.

[override virtual] QVariant QPdfSearchModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const

QPdfLink QPdfSearchModel::resultAtIndex(int index) const

Returns a result found by index in the document, regardless of the page on which it was found. index must be less than rowCount.

QList<QPdfLink> QPdfSearchModel::resultsOnPage(int page) const

Returns the list of all results found on the given page.

[override virtual] QHash<int, QByteArray> QPdfSearchModel::roleNames() const

[override virtual] int QPdfSearchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const

Reimplements: QAbstractItemModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const.

The number of rows in the model is equal to the number of search results found.

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