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Creating a blur effect

Qt Quick Effect Maker Documentation.

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Creating a blur effect

To create a blur effect in Qt Quick Effect Maker:

  1. Add a FastBlur node to the node tree.

  2. Add a BlurHelper node to the node tree. You need the BlurHelper node for all effects that contains a blur effect.

    Image non disponible
  3. Select the FastBlur node and in the settings, change the fastBlurAmount value to control the amount of blur.

    Image non disponible

Adjusting item borders

The effect appears cropped. You need to adjust item borders:

  1. Select Image non disponible to display item borders.

    Image non disponible
  2. Go to Edit > Project Settings.

  3. Set the item padding for all sides to 100.

    Image non disponible

Now, you can see the complete blur effect.

Image non disponible

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