QScxmlError Class▲
Header: QScxmlError
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Scxml)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Scxml)
qmake: QT += scxml
Detailed Description▲
Property Documentation▲
[read-only] column : const int▲
This property holds the column number in which the SCXML error occurred.
Access functions:
int column() const
[read-only] description : const QString▲
[read-only] fileName : const QString▲
This property holds the name of the file in which the SCXML error occurred.
Access functions:
fileName() const
[read-only] line : const int▲
This property holds the line number on which the SCXML error occurred.
Access functions:
int line() const
[read-only] valid : const bool▲
Member Function Documentation▲
Creates a new invalid SCXML error.
QScxmlError::QScxmlError(const QString &fileName, int line, int column, const QString &description)▲
Creates a new valid SCXML error that contains the error message, description, as well as the fileName, line, and column where the error occurred.
QScxmlError::QScxmlError(const QScxmlError &other)▲
Constructs a copy of other.
Destroys the SCXML error.
int QScxmlError::column() const▲
Returns the column in which the error occurred.
Getter function for property column.
QString QScxmlError::description() const▲
Returns the error message.
Getter function for property description.
QString QScxmlError::fileName() const▲
Returns the name of the file in which the error occurred.
Getter function for property fileName.
bool QScxmlError::isValid() const▲
Returns true if the error is valid, false otherwise. An invalid error can only be created by calling the default constructor or by assigning an invalid error.
Getter function for property valid.
int QScxmlError::line() const▲
Returns the line on which the error occurred.
Getter function for property line.
QString QScxmlError::toString() const▲
This convenience method converts an error to a string. Returns the error message formatted as: "filename:line:column: error: description"
QScxmlError &QScxmlError::operator=(const QScxmlError &other)▲
Assigns other to this SCXML error and returns a reference to this SCXML error.