Header: InvokeInfo
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Scxml)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Scxml)
qmake: QT += scxml
Detailed Description▲
Member Variable Documentation▲
bool InvokeInfo::autoforward▲
This variable holds whether events should automatically be forwarded to the invoked service
QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId InvokeInfo::context▲
This variable holds the context to interpret the location in
QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId InvokeInfo::expr▲
This variable holds the expression representing the srcexpr of the invoke element
QScxmlExecutableContent::ContainerId InvokeInfo::finalize▲
This variable holds the ID of the container of executable content to be run on finalizing the invocation
QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId InvokeInfo::id▲
This variable holds the ID specified by the id attribute in the <invoke> element.
QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId InvokeInfo::location▲
This variable holds the data model location to write the invocation ID to
QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId InvokeInfo::prefix▲
This variable holds the unique prefix for this invocation in the context of the state from which it is called