QScxmlTableData Class▲
Header: QScxmlTableData
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Scxml)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Scxml)
qmake: QT += scxml
Inherited By:
Detailed Description▲
QScxmlTableData is the interface to the compiled representation of SCXML state machines. It should only be used internally and by state machines compiled from SCXML documents.
Member Function Documentation▲
[virtual] QScxmlTableData::~QScxmlTableData()▲
Destroys the SXCML table data.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::AssignmentInfo QScxmlTableData::assignmentInfo(QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId assignmentId) const▲
Returns the QScxmlExecutableContent::AssignmentInfo object for the given assignmentId.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId *QScxmlTableData::dataNames(int *count) const▲
Retrieves the string IDs for the names of data items in the data model. The number of strings is saved into count and a pointer to an array of string IDs is returned.
Returns a pointer to an array of string IDs.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorInfo QScxmlTableData::evaluatorInfo(QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId evaluatorId) const▲
Returns the QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorInfo object for the given evaluatorId.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::ForeachInfo QScxmlTableData::foreachInfo(QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId foreachId) const▲
Returns the QScxmlExecutableContent::ForeachInfo object for the given foreachId.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::ContainerId QScxmlTableData::initialSetup() const▲
Initializes the table data. Returns the ID of the container with instructions to be executed when initializing the state machine.
[pure virtual] QScxmlExecutableContent::InstructionId *QScxmlTableData::instructions() const▲
Returns a pointer to the instructions of executable content contained in the state machine.
[pure virtual] QString QScxmlTableData::name() const▲
Returns the name of the state machine.
[pure virtual] QScxmlInvokableServiceFactory *QScxmlTableData::serviceFactory(int id) const▲
Returns the service factory that creates invokable services for the state with the ID id.
[pure virtual] const qint32 *QScxmlTableData::stateMachineTable() const▲
Returns a pointer to the complete state table, expressed as an opaque sequence of integers.
[pure virtual] QString QScxmlTableData::string(QScxmlExecutableContent::StringId id) const▲
Returns a QString for the given id.