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QSinglePointEvent Class

A base class for pointer events containing a single point, such as mouse events.

This class was introduced in Qt 6.0.

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QSinglePointEvent Class

Detailed Description


Property Documentation


exclusivePointGrabber : QObject*

This property holds the object that will receive future updates

The exclusive grabber is an object that has chosen to receive all future update events and the release event containing the same point that this event carries.

Setting the exclusivePointGrabber property is a convenience equivalent to:

setExclusiveGrabber(points().first(), exclusiveGrabber);

Access functions:

  • *exclusivePointGrabber() const

  • void setExclusivePointGrabber( *exclusiveGrabber)

Member Function Documentation


Qt::MouseButton QSinglePointEvent::button() const

Returns the button that caused the event.

The returned value is always Qt::NoButton for mouse move events, as well as TabletMove, TabletEnterProximity, and TabletLeaveProximity events.

See Also

See also buttons()

Qt::MouseButtons QSinglePointEvent::buttons() const

Returns the button state when the event was generated.

The button state is a combination of Qt::LeftButton, Qt::RightButton, and Qt::MiddleButton using the OR operator.

For mouse move or TabletMove events, this is all buttons that are pressed down.

For mouse press, double click, or TabletPress events, this includes the button that caused the event.

For mouse release or TabletRelease events, this excludes the button that caused the event.

See Also

See also button()

QPointF QSinglePointEvent::globalPosition() const

Returns the position of the point in this event on the screen or virtual desktop.

The global position of a mouse pointer is recorded at the time of the event. This is important on asynchronous window systems such as X11; whenever you move your widgets around in response to mouse events, globalPosition() can differ a lot from the current cursor position returned by QCursor::pos().

See Also

See also position()

[override virtual] bool QSinglePointEvent::isBeginEvent() const

Returns true if this event represents a button being pressed.

[override virtual] bool QSinglePointEvent::isEndEvent() const

Returns true if this event represents a button being released.

[override virtual] bool QSinglePointEvent::isUpdateEvent() const

Returns true if this event does not include a change in button state.

QPointF QSinglePointEvent::position() const

Returns the position of the point in this event, relative to the widget or item that received the event.

If you move your widgets around in response to mouse events, use globalPosition() instead.

See Also

See also globalPosition()

QPointF QSinglePointEvent::scenePosition() const

Returns the position of the point in this event, relative to the window or scene.

See Also

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