Generates the deployment settings file needed by androiddeployqt.
The command is defined in the Core component of the Qt6 package, which can be loaded like so:
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
This command was introduced in Qt 6.0.
This command is deprecated since Qt 6.5. Use qt_add_executable instead.
This command should only be called if targeting the Android platform.
If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings() instead. It supports the same set of arguments as this command.
The androiddeployqt tool expects a deployment settings file as input. This command reads CMake variables and properties of the target to generate such a file in the target's binary directory. Upon return, the full path to this file is available in the target's QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE property.
CMake Variables▲
A number of variables are used while generating the deployment settings file. Some are provided by Qt, others by CMake or the Android NDK.
Target Properties▲
The properties below will be read from the specified target. Note that this command is called as part of target finalization (see qt_finalize_target()). If you are using qt_add_executable() to create the target and you need to modify some of these target properties, you need to ensure that target finalization is deferred. See qt_add_executable() for how to accomplish this.
Upon return, the QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_SETTINGS_FILE target property will contain the location of the generated deployment settings file.