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Qt 3D Qt3DAnimation QML Types

Provides Qt 3D QML types for the animation module.

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Qt 3D Qt3DAnimation QML Types

This module is under development and is subject to change.

To import and use the module's QML types, use the following statement:

import Qt3D.Animation 2.5
  • AbstractAnimation: An abstract base type for Qt3D animations.

  • AbstractClipAnimator: AbstractClipAnimator is the base class for types providing animation playback capabilities.

  • AbstractClipBlendNode: AbstractClipBlendNode is the base class for types used to construct animation blend trees.

  • AdditiveClipBlend: Performs an additive blend of two animation clips based on an additive factor.

  • AnimationController: A controller type for animations.

  • AnimationGroup: A type grouping animations together.

  • BlendedClipAnimator: BlendedClipAnimator is a component providing animation playback capabilities of a tree of blend nodes.

  • ClipAnimator: ClipAnimator is a component providing simple animation playback capabilities.

  • ClipBlendValue: Type used for including a clip in a blend tree.

  • KeyframeAnimation: A type implementing simple keyframe animation to a Transform.

  • LerpClipBlend: Performs a linear interpolation of two animation clips based on a normalized factor.

  • MorphTarget: A type providing morph targets to blend-shape animation.

  • MorphingAnimation: A type implementing blend-shape morphing animation.

  • VertexBlendAnimation: A type implementing vertex-blend morphing animation.

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