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Qt 3D Core QML Types

Provides core Qt 3D QML types.

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Qt 3D Core QML Types

To import and use the module's QML types, use the following statement:

import Qt3D.Core 2.5

See Qt 3D QML Types for a list of all QML types in Qt 3D.

QML Types



  • AbstractSkeleton: A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh.

  • Armature: Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders.

  • Attribute: Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a Buffer.

  • BoundingVolume: can be used to override an entity's bounding volume.

  • Buffer: Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms.

  • Component3D: Provides the base type for creating Qt 3D components.

  • CoreSettings: The CoreSettings class holds settings related to core data handling process.

  • Entity: Entity is a Node subclass that can aggregate several Component3D instances that will specify its behavior.

  • EntityLoader: Provides a way to dynamically load an Entity subtree.

  • Geometry: Encapsulates geometry.

  • GeometryView: Encapsulates geometry details.

  • Joint: Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes.

  • Node: A base QML type that other types inherit. It cannot be directly created.

  • NodeInstantiator: Dynamically creates nodes.

  • QuaternionAnimation: A PropertyAnimation for quaternions.

  • Skeleton: Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes.

  • SkeletonLoader: Used to load a skeleton of joints from file.

  • Transform: Used to perform transforms on meshes.

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