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QCallbackMapping Class

Allows to map the channels within the clip onto an invocation of a callback object.

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QCallbackMapping Class

  • Header: QCallbackMapping

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3danimation)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3danimation)

  • qmake: QT += 3danimation

  • Inherits: Qt3DAnimation::QAbstractChannelMapping

Detailed Description


Member Function Documentation


void QCallbackMapping::setCallback(int type, Qt3DAnimation::QAnimationCallback *callback, QAnimationCallback::Flags flags = QAnimationCallback::OnOwningThread)

Associates a callback object with this channel mapping.

Such mappings do not have to have a target object and property name. When the callback object is set, every change in the animated value will lead to invoking the callback's valueChanged function either on the gui/main thread, or directly on one of the thread pool's worker thread. This is controlled by flags.

type specifies the type (for example, QMetaType::QVector3D, QMetaType::QColor, or QMetaType::Float) of the animated value. When animating node properties this does not need to be provided separately, however it becomes important to supply this when there is only a callback.

A mapping can be associated both with a node property and a callback. It is important however that type matches the type of the property in this case. Note also that for properties of type QVariant (for example, QParameter::value), the type is the type of the value stored in the QVariant.

The callback pointer is expected to stay valid while any associated animators are running.

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