Qt3DCore Namespace▲
Header: Qt3DCore
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3DCore)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3DCore)
qmake: QT += 3dcore
Group: Qt3DCore is part of qt3d-namespaces
Detailed Description▲
class QAbstractAspect▲
QAbstractAspect is the base class for aspects that provide a vertical slice of behavior.
class QAbstractFunctor▲
QAbstractFunctor is an abstract base class for all functors.
class QAbstractSkeleton▲
A skeleton contains the joints for a skinned mesh.
class QArmature▲
Used to calculate skinning transform matrices and set them on shaders.
class QAspectEngine▲
Responsible for handling all the QAbstractAspect subclasses that have been registered with the scene.
class QAspectJob▲
The base class for jobs executed in an aspect.
class QAttribute▲
Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer.
class QBackendNode▲
The base class for all Qt3D backend nodes.
class QBackendNodeMapper▲
Creates and maps backend nodes to their respective frontend nodes.
class QBoundingVolume▲
can be used to override the bounding volume of an entity.
class QBuffer▲
Provides a data store for raw data to later be used as vertices or uniforms.
class QComponent▲
The base class of scene nodes that can be aggregated by Qt3DCore::QEntity instances as a component.
class QCoreSettings▲
The QCoreSettings class holds settings related to core data handling process.
class QEntity▲
Qt3DCore::QEntity is a Qt3DCore::QNode subclass that can aggregate several Qt3DCore::QComponent instances that will specify its behavior.
class QGeometry▲
Encapsulates geometry.
class QGeometryView▲
Encapsulates geometry details.
class QJoint▲
Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes.
class QNode▲
QNode is the base class of all Qt3D node classes used to build a Qt3D scene.
class QNodeId▲
Uniquely identifies a QNode.
class QSkeleton▲
Holds the data for a skeleton to be used with skinned meshes.
class QSkeletonLoader▲
Used to load a skeleton of joints from file.
class QTransform▲
Used to perform transforms on meshes.
Type Documentation▲
A shared pointer for QAspectJob.
A shared pointer for QBackendNodeMapper.
[alias] QComponentVector▲
List of QComponent pointers.
A shared pointer for QEntity.
[alias] QNodeIdVector▲
A vector of QNodeIds.
[alias] QNodePtr▲
A shared pointer for QNode.
[alias] QNodeVector▲
List of QNode pointers.
Function Documentation▲
qintptr Qt3DCore::functorTypeId()▲
Returns a pointer to the type id of the functor.
[constexpr] size_t qHash(Qt3DCore::QNodeId id, size_t seed = 0)▲
Returns hash of node with id and optional seed.
Qt3DCore::QNodeId qIdForNode(Qt3DCore::QNode *node)▲
Returns node id for node.
Qt3DCore::QNodeIdVector qIdsForNodes(const T &nodes)▲
Returns vector of node ids for nodes.
QDebug Qt3DCore::operator<<(QDebug d, Qt3DCore::QNodeId id)▲
<< with d and id. Returns QDebug.