QAspectJob Class▲
Header: Qt3DCore/QAspectJob
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3DCore)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3DCore)
qmake: QT += 3dcore
Inherited By:
Detailed Description▲
Member Function Documentation▲
void QAspectJob::addDependency(QWeakPointer<Qt3DCore::QAspectJob> dependency)▲
Adds dependency to the aspect job.
const std::vector<QWeakPointer<QAspectJob>> &QAspectJob::dependencies() const▲
Returns the dependencies of the aspect job.
[virtual] bool QAspectJob::isRequired()▲
Should return true (default) if the job has actually something to do. If returning false, the job will not be scheduled (but it's dependencies will be).
[virtual] void QAspectJob::postFrame(Qt3DCore::QAspectEngine *aspectEngine)▲
Called in the main thread when all the jobs have completed. This is a good point to push changes back to the frontend. aspectEngine is the engine responsible for the run loop.
void QAspectJob::removeDependency(QWeakPointer<Qt3DCore::QAspectJob> dependency)▲
Removes the given dependency from aspect job.
[pure virtual] void QAspectJob::run()▲
Executes the job. This is called on a separate thread by the scheduler.