Qt Bluetooth C++ Classes▲
Enables basic Bluetooth operations like scanning for devices and connecting them.
QBluetooth: The QBluetooth namespace provides classes and functions related to Bluetooth.
QBluetoothAddress: The QBluetoothAddress class assigns an address to the Bluetooth device.
QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent: The QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent class discovers the Bluetooth devices nearby.
QBluetoothDeviceInfo: The QBluetoothDeviceInfo class stores information about the Bluetooth device.
QBluetoothHostInfo: The QBluetoothHostInfo class encapsulates the details of a local QBluetooth device.
QBluetoothLocalDevice: The QBluetoothLocalDevice class enables access to the local Bluetooth device.
QBluetoothServer: The QBluetoothServer class uses the RFCOMM or L2cap protocol to communicate with a Bluetooth device.
QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent: The QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent class enables you to query for Bluetooth services.
QBluetoothServiceInfo: The QBluetoothServiceInfo class enables access to the attributes of a Bluetooth service.
QBluetoothServiceInfo::Alternative: The Alternative class stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Alternative.
QBluetoothServiceInfo::Sequence: The Sequence class stores attributes of a Bluetooth Data Element Sequence.
QBluetoothSocket: The QBluetoothSocket class enables connection to a Bluetooth device running a bluetooth server.
QBluetoothUuid: The QBluetoothUuid class generates a UUID for each Bluetooth service.
QLowEnergyAdvertisingData: The QLowEnergyAdvertisingData class represents the data to be broadcast during Bluetooth Low Energy advertising.
QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters: The QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters class represents the parameters used for Bluetooth Low Energy advertising.
QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters::AddressInfo: The QLowEnergyAdvertisingParameters::AddressInfo defines the elements of a white list.
QLowEnergyCharacteristic: The QLowEnergyCharacteristic class stores information about a Bluetooth Low Energy service characteristic.
QLowEnergyCharacteristicData: The QLowEnergyCharacteristicData class is used to set up GATT service data.
QLowEnergyConnectionParameters: The QLowEnergyConnectionParameters class is used when requesting or reporting an update of the parameters of a Bluetooth LE connection.
QLowEnergyController: The QLowEnergyController class provides access to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices.
QLowEnergyDescriptor: The QLowEnergyDescriptor class stores information about the Bluetooth Low Energy descriptor.
QLowEnergyDescriptorData: The QLowEnergyDescriptorData class is used to create GATT service data.
QLowEnergyService: The QLowEnergyService class represents an individual service on a Bluetooth Low Energy Device.
QLowEnergyServiceData: The QLowEnergyServiceData class is used to set up GATT service data.
Detailed Description▲
The Qt Bluetooth C++ API enables an application to scan for devices and connect and interact with them in a more flexible way.
To use the C++ library in your application, add the following configuration option to your .pro file:
QT +=