Qt Charts Examples▲
The Qt Charts examples demonstrate how to use charts in widget-based and Qt Quick applications:
AreaChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple area chart.
Audio Example: This example shows the drawing of dynamic data (microphone input).
BarChart Example: The example shows how to create a bar chart.
BarModelMapper Example: This example shows how to use QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the bar series.
Box and Whiskers Example: The example shows how to create a box-and-whiskers chart.
Callout Example: This example shows how to draw an additional element (a callout) on top of the chart.
Candlestick Chart Example: Shows how to create a candlestick chart.
Chart Themes Example: The example shows the look and feel of the different built-in themes.
Custom Chart Example: This example shows how to customize the appearance of the different elements on a chart.
DateTimeAxis Example: The example shows how to use QLineChart with QDateTimeAxis.
Donut Chart Breakdown Example: This example shows how to use create a donut breakdown chart using QPieSeries API.
Donutchart Example: This example shows how to create a simple donut chart, and do some customizations to a slice.
Dynamic Spline Example: This example shows how to draw dynamic data.
HorizontalBarChart Example: The example shows how to create a horizontal bar chart.
HorizontalPercentBarChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple horizontal percent bar chart.
HorizontalStackedBarChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple stacked horizontal bar chart.
Legend Example: This example shows how to detach the legend from the chart and how to attach it back.
LegendMarkers Example: The example shows how to make use of legend markers.
Light Markers Points Selection Example: The example shows a usage of light markers and points selection for the series.
Line and BarChart Example: The example shows how to combine different charts and set the axes.
LineChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple line chart.
Logarithmic Axis Example: The example shows how to use QLogValueAxis.
Model Data Example: This example shows how to use the QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the series.
Multiple Axes Example: The example shows how to create a simple chart with two vertical axes. One for each series.
Nested Donuts Example: This example shows how to create a nested donuts chart using the QPieSeries API.
OpenGL Accelerated Series Example: The example shows how to enable OpenGL acceleration for QLineSeries and QScatterSeries.
PercentBarChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple percent bar chart.
Pie Chart Customization Example: This example shows how the look and feel of a pie chart can be customized.
Piechart Drilldown Example: The example shows how to implement a piechart with drilldown effect.
Piechart Example: The example shows how to create a simple pie chart and do some customizations to a pie slice.
Polar Chart Example: The example shows how to create a simple polar chart with multiple different series.
Qml Axes: This is a demonstration of how to use axes in your QML application.
Qml Charts Example: This basic demonstration shows how to use the different chart types by using qml.
Qml Custom Legend: This example shows you how to create your own custom legend.
Qml Customizations: This application shows you how to customize different visual properties of a ChartView and series.
Qml F1 Legends: This application demonstrates how to use ListModel as a datasource for a Chart.
Qml Oscilloscope: The example shows how to implement application with strict performance requirements using the Qt Charts QML API.
Qml Polar Chart: This is a demonstration on how to use a polar chart in your QML application.
Qml Weather: This is a basic demonstration showing how to use the different chart types by using qml.
Scatter Interactions Example: This example shows how to create a simple scatter chart and how to interact with the chart.
ScatterChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple scatter chart.
SelectedBar Example: The example shows how to use a selection feature for the bar chart.
SplineChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple spline chart.
StackedBarChart Drilldown Example: The example shows how to implement drilldown using a stacked barchart.
StackedBarChart Example: The example shows how to create a simple stacked bar chart.
Temperature Records Example: The example shows how to create a bar chart with negative bars.
Zoom Line Example: The example shows how to create your own custom zooming effect.