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Qt Charts QML Types

QML types for the Qt Charts API.

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Qt Charts QML Types

The Qt Charts QML API is an intuitive and simple way to show charts in your QML applications.

Use the following QML to create a simple pie chart:

Image non disponible
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtCharts 2.0

ChartView {
    width: 400
    height: 300
    theme: ChartView.ChartThemeBrownSand
    antialiasing: true

    PieSeries {
        id: pieSeries
        PieSlice { label: "eaten"; value: 94.9 }
        PieSlice { label: "not yet eaten"; value: 5.1 }

Since Qt Creator 3.0 the project created with Qt Quick Application wizard based on Qt Quick 2 template uses QGuiApplication by default. As Qt Charts utilizes Qt Graphics View Framework for drawing, QApplication must be used. The project created with the wizard is usable with Qt Charts after the QGuiApplication is replaced with QApplication.

QML Types



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