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Qt Data Visualization Known Issues

Qt Data Visualization Reference Documentation.

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Qt Data Visualization Known Issues

  • As OpenGL is not necessarily the default rendering backend anymore in Qt 6.x (it is Metal on macOS and Direct3D on Windows, for example), it is necessary to define the rendering backend explicitly either on your environment variables, or in your application main. It can be defined by adding qputenv("QSG_RHI_BACKEND", "opengl"); in the beginning of your main function.

  • Some platforms like Android and WinRT cannot handle multiple native windows properly, so only the Qt Quick graphs are available in practice for those platforms.

  • Surfaces with non-straight rows and columns do not always render properly.

  • Q3DLight class (and Light3D QML item) are currently not usable for anything.

  • Changing most of Q3DScene properties affecting subviewports currently has no effect.

  • Widget based examples layout incorrectly in iOS.

  • Reparenting a graph to an item in another QQuickWindow is not supported.

  • Android builds of QML applications importing QtDataVisualization also require "QT += datavisualization" in the pro file. This is because Qt Data Visualization QML plugin has a dependency to Qt Data Visualization C++ library, which Qt Creator doesn't automatically add to the deployment package.

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