Qt Data Visualization C++ Classes▲
C++ classes for the Qt Data Visualization API.
Q3DBars: The Q3DBars class provides methods for rendering 3D bar graphs.
Q3DCamera: Representation of a camera in 3D space.
Q3DInputHandler: Basic wheel mouse based input handler.
Q3DLight: Representation of a light source in 3D space.
Q3DObject: The Q3DObject class is a simple base class for all the objects in a 3D scene.
Q3DScatter: The Q3DScatter class provides methods for rendering 3D scatter graphs.
Q3DScene: Q3DScene class provides description of the 3D scene being visualized.
Q3DSurface: The Q3DSurface class provides methods for rendering 3D surface plots.
Q3DTheme: Q3DTheme class provides a visual style for graphs.
QAbstract3DAxis: The QAbstract3DAxis class is a base class for the axes of a graph.
QAbstract3DGraph: The QAbstract3DGraph class provides a window and render loop for graphs.
QAbstract3DInputHandler: The base class for implementations of input handlers.
QAbstract3DSeries: The QAbstract3DSeries class is a base class for all data series.
QAbstractDataProxy: The QAbstractDataProxy class is a base class for all data visualization data proxies.
QBar3DSeries: The QBar3DSeries class represents a data series in a 3D bar graph.
QBarDataItem: The QBarDataItem class provides a container for resolved data to be added to bar graphs.
QBarDataProxy: The QBarDataProxy class is the data proxy for a 3D bars graph.
QCategory3DAxis: The QCategory3DAxis class manipulates an axis of a graph.
QCustom3DItem: The QCustom3DItem class adds a custom item to a graph.
QCustom3DLabel: The QCustom3DLabel class adds a custom label to a graph.
QCustom3DVolume: The QCustom3DVolume class adds a volume rendered object to a graph.
QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy: Base proxy class for Q3DSurface.
QItemModelBarDataProxy: Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DBars.
QItemModelScatterDataProxy: Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DScatter.
QItemModelSurfaceDataProxy: Proxy class for presenting data in item models with Q3DSurface.
QLogValue3DAxisFormatter: The QLogValue3DAxisFormatter class provides formatting rules for a logarithmic value axis.
QScatter3DSeries: The QScatter3DSeries class represents a data series in a 3D scatter graph.
QScatterDataItem: The QScatterDataItem class provides a container for resolved data to be added to scatter graphs.
QScatterDataProxy: The QScatterDataProxy class is the data proxy for 3D scatter graphs.
QSurface3DSeries: The QSurface3DSeries class represents a data series in a 3D surface graph.
QSurfaceDataItem: The QSurfaceDataItem class provides a container for resolved data to be added to surface graphs.
QSurfaceDataProxy: The QSurfaceDataProxy class is the data proxy for a 3D surface graph.
QTouch3DInputHandler: Basic touch display based input handler.
QValue3DAxis: The QValue3DAxis class manipulates an axis of a graph.
QValue3DAxisFormatter: The QValue3DAxisFormatter class is a base class for value axis formatters.
Detailed Description▲
The Qt Data Visualization functionality can be accessed via these C++ classes.