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FX & Material Showroom

Demonstrates material and effects capabilities of Qt Quick 3D. This example demonstrates how you can use particle effects and materials in Qt Quick 3D.

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FX & Material Showroom

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The example consists of an interactive 3D scene with a 3D model. You can change the model's material and toggle between a couple of different environments for the scene.

In addition to the material functionality, you can also add particle-based effects such as snow, smoke, and fire to the scene.

Running the Example

To run the example from Qt Creator, open the Welcome mode and select the example from Examples. For more information, visit Building and Running an Example.

The example makes use of the Qt Quick 3D module, which is a separate item in the Qt Online Installer. If the example fails to configure, please make sure that you have Qt Quick 3D package installed.

Example project

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