Qt Help C++ Classes▲
Provides classes for integrating online documentation in applications.
QCompressedHelpInfo: The QCompressedHelpInfo class provides access to the details about a compressed help file.
QHelpContentItem: The QHelpContentItem class provides an item for use with QHelpContentModel.
QHelpContentModel: The QHelpContentModel class provides a model that supplies content to views.
QHelpContentWidget: The QHelpContentWidget class provides a tree view for displaying help content model items.
QHelpEngine: The QHelpEngine class provides access to contents and indices of the help engine.
QHelpEngineCore: The QHelpEngineCore class provides the core functionality of the help system.
QHelpFilterData: The QHelpFilterData class provides details for the filters used by QHelpFilterEngine.
QHelpFilterEngine: The QHelpFilterEngine class provides a filtered view of the help contents.
QHelpFilterSettingsWidget: The QHelpFilterSettingsWidget class provides a widget that allows for creating, editing and removing filters.
QHelpIndexModel: The QHelpIndexModel class provides a model that supplies index keywords to views.
QHelpIndexWidget: The QHelpIndexWidget class provides a list view displaying the QHelpIndexModel.
QHelpLink: The QHelpLink struct provides the data associated with a help link.
QHelpSearchEngine: The QHelpSearchEngine class provides access to widgets reusable to integrate fulltext search as well as to index and search documentation.
QHelpSearchQueryWidget: The QHelpSearchQueryWidget class provides a simple line edit or an advanced widget to enable the user to input a search term in a standardized input mask.
QHelpSearchResult: The QHelpSearchResult class provides the data associated with the search result.
QHelpSearchResultWidget: The QHelpSearchResultWidget class provides a text browser to display search results.
Detailed Description▲
The classes and tools supplied with Qt to enable developers to include online help and documentation in their applications are described in more detail in The Qt Help Framework overview document.
To link against the module, add this line to your qmake .pro file:
QT +=