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Qt Network C++ Classes

Provides classes to make network programming easier and portable.

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Qt Network C++ Classes

Provides classes to make network programming easier and portable.


  • QPasswordDigestor: The QPasswordDigestor namespace contains functions which you can use to generate hashes or keys.

  • QSsl: The QSsl namespace declares enums common to all SSL classes in Qt Network.


  • QAbstractNetworkCache: The QAbstractNetworkCache class provides the interface for cache implementations.

  • QAbstractSocket: The QAbstractSocket class provides the base functionality common to all socket types.

  • QAuthenticator: The QAuthenticator class provides an authentication object.

  • QDnsDomainNameRecord: The QDnsDomainNameRecord class stores information about a domain name record.

  • QDnsHostAddressRecord: The QDnsHostAddressRecord class stores information about a host address record.

  • QDnsLookup: The QDnsLookup class represents a DNS lookup.

  • QDnsMailExchangeRecord: The QDnsMailExchangeRecord class stores information about a DNS MX record.

  • QDnsServiceRecord: The QDnsServiceRecord class stores information about a DNS SRV record.

  • QDnsTextRecord: The QDnsTextRecord class stores information about a DNS TXT record.

  • QDtls: This class provides encryption for UDP sockets.

  • QDtlsClientVerifier: This class implements server-side DTLS cookie generation and verification.

  • QDtlsClientVerifier::GeneratorParameters: This class defines parameters for DTLS cookie generator.

  • QHostAddress: The QHostAddress class provides an IP address.

  • QHostInfo: The QHostInfo class provides static functions for host name lookups.

  • QHstsPolicy: The QHstsPolicy class specifies that a host supports HTTP Strict Transport Security policy (HSTS).

  • QHttp1Configuration: The QHttp1Configuration class controls HTTP/1 parameters and settings.

  • QHttp2Configuration: The QHttp2Configuration class controls HTTP/2 parameters and settings.

  • QHttpMultiPart: The QHttpMultiPart class resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP.

  • QHttpPart: The QHttpPart class holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message.

  • QLocalServer: The QLocalServer class provides a local socket based server.

  • QLocalSocket: The QLocalSocket class provides a local socket.

  • QNetworkAccessManager: The QNetworkAccessManager class allows the application to send network requests and receive replies.

  • QNetworkAddressEntry: The QNetworkAddressEntry class stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address.

  • QNetworkCacheMetaData: The QNetworkCacheMetaData class provides cache information.

  • QNetworkCookie: The QNetworkCookie class holds one network cookie.

  • QNetworkCookieJar: The QNetworkCookieJar class implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects.

  • QNetworkDatagram: The QNetworkDatagram class provides the data and metadata of a UDP datagram.

  • QNetworkDiskCache: The QNetworkDiskCache class provides a very basic disk cache.

  • QNetworkInformation: QNetworkInformation exposes various network information through native backends.

  • QNetworkInterface: The QNetworkInterface class provides a listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces.

  • QNetworkProxy: The QNetworkProxy class provides a network layer proxy.

  • QNetworkProxyFactory: The QNetworkProxyFactory class provides fine-grained proxy selection.

  • QNetworkProxyQuery: The QNetworkProxyQuery class is used to query the proxy settings for a socket.

  • QNetworkReply: The QNetworkReply class contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager.

  • QNetworkRequest: The QNetworkRequest class holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager.

  • QOcspResponse: This class represents Online Certificate Status Protocol response.

  • QSctpServer: The QSctpServer class provides an SCTP-based server.

  • QSctpSocket: The QSctpSocket class provides an SCTP socket.

  • QSslCertificate: The QSslCertificate class provides a convenient API for an X509 certificate.

  • QSslCertificateExtension: The QSslCertificateExtension class provides an API for accessing the extensions of an X509 certificate.

  • QSslCipher: The QSslCipher class represents an SSL cryptographic cipher.

  • QSslConfiguration: The QSslConfiguration class holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection.

  • QSslDiffieHellmanParameters: The QSslDiffieHellmanParameters class provides an interface for Diffie-Hellman parameters for servers.

  • QSslEllipticCurve: Represents an elliptic curve for use by elliptic-curve cipher algorithms.

  • QSslError: The QSslError class provides an SSL error.

  • QSslKey: The QSslKey class provides an interface for private and public keys.

  • QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator: The QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator class provides authentication data for pre shared keys (PSK) ciphersuites.

  • QSslServer: Implements an encrypted, secure TCP server over TLS.

  • QSslSocket: The QSslSocket class provides an SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers.

  • QTcpServer: The QTcpServer class provides a TCP-based server.

  • QTcpSocket: The QTcpSocket class provides a TCP socket.

  • QUdpSocket: The QUdpSocket class provides a UDP socket.

Detailed Description

The Qt Network page contains information about how to use the module.

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