Qt PDF C++ Classes▲
Renders pages from PDF documents.
QPdfBookmarkModel: The QPdfBookmarkModel class holds a tree of of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contents.
QPdfDocument: The QPdfDocument class loads a PDF document and renders pages from it.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions: The QPdfDocumentRenderOptions class holds the options to render a page from a PDF document.
QPdfLink: The QPdfLink class defines a link between a region on a page (such as a hyperlink or a search result) and a destination (page, location on the page, and zoom level at which to view it).
QPdfPageNavigator: Navigation history within a PDF document.
QPdfPageRenderer: The QPdfPageRenderer class encapsulates the rendering of pages of a PDF document.
QPdfSearchModel: The QPdfSearchModel class searches for a string in a PDF document and holds the results.
QPdfSelection: The QPdfSelection class defines a range of text that has been selected on one page in a PDF document, and its geometric boundaries.
QPdfView: A PDF viewer widget.
Detailed Description▲
The Qt PDF module contains classes and functions for rendering PDF documents.
To link against the module, add this line to your qmake project file:
QT +=