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Qt QML Models QML Types

Provides QML types for data models.

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Qt QML Models QML Types

This QML module contains types for defining data models in QML.

To use the types in this module, import the module with the following line:

import QtQml.Models

QtQml.Models module started at version 2.1 to match the version of the parent module, Qt QML.

In addition, Qt.labs.qmlmodels provides experimental QML types for models. To use these experimental types, import the module with the following line:

import Qt.labs.qmlmodels

QML Types

  • DelegateModel: Encapsulates a model and delegate.

  • DelegateModelGroup: Encapsulates a filtered set of visual data items.

  • Instantiator: Dynamically creates objects.

  • ItemSelectionModel: Instantiates a QItemSelectionModel to be used in conjunction with a QAbstractItemModel and any view supporting it.

  • ListElement: Defines a data item in a ListModel.

  • ListModel: Defines a free-form list data source.

  • ObjectModel: Defines a set of items to be used as a model.

  • Package: Specifies a collection of named items.

Experimental QML Types

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