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Qt Quick PDF QML Types

Provides QML types for handling PDF documents.

This module was introduced in Qt 5.14.

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Qt Quick PDF QML Types

This module was introduced in Qt 5.14.

This QML module contains types for handling PDF documents.

To use the types in this module, import the module with the following line:

import QtQuick.Pdf
  • PdfBookmarkModel: A tree of links (anchors) within a PDF document, such as the table of contents.

  • PdfDocument: A representation of a PDF document.

  • PdfLinkDelegate: A component to decorate hyperlinks on a PDF page.

  • PdfLinkModel: A representation of links within a PDF document.

  • PdfMultiPageView: A complete PDF viewer component for scrolling through multiple pages.

  • PdfPageImage: Displays one page from a PDF document.

  • PdfPageNavigator: History of the destinations visited within a PDF Document.

  • PdfPageView: A PDF viewer component to show one page a time.

  • PdfScrollablePageView: A complete PDF viewer component to show one page a time, with scrolling.

  • PdfSearchModel: A representation of text search results within a PDF Document.

  • PdfSelection: A representation of a text selection within a PDF Document.

  • PdfStyle: A styling interface for the PDF viewer components.

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