Qt Quick 3D - Custom Effect Example

Image non disponible

The example implements its own custom post-processing effects, which are then applied on the scene via SceneEnvironment::effects. It demonstrates both the simplest type of effects that only have a fragment shader, and also the more advanced case with both a vertex and fragment shader present, with data passed between the two.

The simple effect is using only a single fragment shader, and adding a texture input from an image file:

Effect {
    id: eff1
    property TextureInput tex: TextureInput {
        id: qtLogo
        texture: Texture { source: "qt_logo_rect.png" }
    passes: Pass {
        shaders: Shader {
            id: fs1
            stage: Shader.Fragment
            shader: "effect.frag"

This effect uses a very simple fragment shader, just taking the input texture containing the scene, and multiplying it with the image texture:

void MAIN()
    vec4 c = texture(tex, TEXTURE_UV);
    FRAGCOLOR = c * texture(INPUT, INPUT_UV);

The shader snippets in the .vert and .frag files are written using the built-in keywords as described in the Effect documentation. Custom properties with basic types, as well as properties with the TextureInput type are automatically exposed to the shaders as uniforms and samplers.

The second effect is more complex. It specifies both a vertex and a fragment shader, as well as two properties: uRed and uGreen, with an animation on uRed:

Effect {
    id: eff2
    property real uRed: 0.0
    SequentialAnimation on uRed {
        running: radioEff2.checked || radioEff3.checked
        loops: -1
        NumberAnimation { from: 0; to: 1; duration: 2000 }
        NumberAnimation { from: 1; to: 0; duration: 2000 }
    property real uGreen: 1.0
    Shader {
        id: vs2
        stage: Shader.Vertex
        shader: "effect2.vert"
    Shader {
        id: fs2
        stage: Shader.Fragment
        shader: "effect2.frag"
    passes: Pass {
        shaders: [ vs2, fs2 ]

The fragment shader for this effect creates a distortion by modifying the sampling coordinates. The calculation uses center_vec, which comes from the fragment shader. Finally, the shader adjusts the color using the uRed and uGreen uniforms. Note that these uniforms do not have to be declared in the shader:

VARYING vec2 center_vec;

void MAIN()
    float radius =</