Qt Quick 3D - Custom Shaders Example

This example demonstrates using a material with completely custom vertex and fragment shader code.

Image non disponible

This example is the counterpart to the custommaterials example, which demonstrates the other group of custom materials: shaded materials where the shader code snippet augments a PrincipledMaterial, rather than replacing it.

Implementing a custom material

In this example, a mesh is deformed by the vertex shader according to a sine function. The end result is controlled by two sliders corresponding to the time and amplitude values of the sine function.

The fragment shader is used to color the mesh according to the position values of the vertices. There are two fragment shaders included: one with and without texturing. The textured version samples a texture that is source from either an image file, or from a live Qt Quick layer.

The material does not participate in the default lighting or shadowing system, and therefore has its shadingMode property set to CustomMaterial.Unshaded.

See CustomMaterial for a detailed description of custom material capabilities.

CustomMaterial {
    property real time: 0.0
    property real amplitude: 5.0
    property real alpha: 1.0

    property bool texturing: false
    property bool textureFromItem: false
    property Item texSrc
    Texture {
        id: texFromFile
        source: "qt_logo.png"
    Texture {
        id: texFromItem
        sourceItem: texSrc
    property TextureInput tex: TextureInput {
        enabled: texturing
        texture: textureFromItem ? texFromItem : texFromFile

    shadingMode: CustomMaterial.Unshaded
    sourceBlend: alpha < 1.0 ? CustomMaterial.SrcAlpha : CustomMaterial.NoBlend
    destinationBlend: alpha < 1.0 ? CustomMaterial.OneMinusSrcAlpha : CustomMaterial.NoBlend
    cullMode: CustomMaterial.BackFaceCulling

    vertexShader: "example.vert"
    fragmentShader: texturing ? "example_tex.frag" : "example.frag"

Using a custom material

A custom material using custom shaders is used the same way as any other material. The uniforms in the shader can be easily updated through QML property bindings.

Model {
    position: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)
    NumberAnimation on eulerRotation.y {
        from: 0
        to: 360
        duration: 3000
        loops: -1
        running: control.animateRotation
    scale: Qt.vector3d(2, 2, 2)
    source: "#Sphere"
    materials: [
        ExampleMaterial {
            id: exampleMaterial
            time: control.time
            amplitude: control.amplitude
            alpha: control.alpha
            texturing: control.texturing