Qt Quick 3D Effects QML Types▲
The Qt Quick 3D Effects module includes a library of pregenerated post-processing effects. To create your own post-processing effects, use the Effect type. This module contains a number of useful effects built on top of the Effect type. They can be taken into use right away, without writing shader code manually.
The effects example shows all the built-in effects.
The Qt Quick 3D module page has more information.
AdditiveColorGradient: A gradient with additive color effect.
Blur: A one-pass blur effect.
BrushStrokes: A brush strokes noise effect.
ChromaticAberration: A chromatic aberration effect.
ColorMaster: A color adjustment effect.
DepthOfFieldHQBlur: A depth-based blur effect.
Desaturate: A desaturating effect.
DistortionRipple: A ripple distortion effect.
DistortionSphere: A sphere distortion effect.
DistortionSpiral: A spiral distortion effect.
EdgeDetect: An edge highlighting effect.
Emboss: An emboss effect.
Flip: A scene flipping effect.
Fxaa: A fast approximate anti-aliasing effect.
GaussianBlur: A two-pass gaussian blur effect.
HDRBloomTonemap: A bloom with tonemapping effect.
MotionBlur: A motion blur effect.
SCurveTonemap: A tonemapping effect.
Scatter: A scatter noise effect.
TiltShift: A tilt shift blur effect.
Vignette: A vignette effect.