Qt Quick 3D Physics - Impeller Example

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This example demonstrates how to use trigger bodies and collision info. The scene consists of a green static plane, a red dynamic sphere, a pink box trigger and a blue static sphere. When the red sphere overlaps the trigger body it will turn yellow and when it collides with the blue sphere it will be repelled away.


As usual we need to add our DynamicsWorld:

DynamicsWorld {
    gravity: Qt.vector3d(0, -490, 0)

We also add a View3D where we put our scene objects. In this we have some settings for the visual environment:

environment: SceneEnvironment {
    clearColor: "#d6dbdf"
    backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color

PerspectiveCamera {
    position: Qt.vector3d(0, 200, 1000)
    clipFar: 2000
    clipNear: 1

DirectionalLight {
    eulerRotation.x: -45
    eulerRotation.y: 45
    castsShadow: true
    brightness: 1
    shadowFactor: 100

Physical objects

We have our regular static plane:

StaticRigidBody {
    position: Qt.vector3d(0, -100, 0)
    eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(-90, 0, 0)
    collisionShapes: PlaneShape {}
    Model {
        source: "#Rectangle"
        scale: Qt.vector3d(500, 500, 0)
        materials: PrincipledMaterial {
            baseColor: "green"
        castsShadows: false
        receivesShadows: true

This is how our dynamic sphere is defined:

DynamicRigidBody {
    id: sphere
    density: 0.00001
    position: Qt.vector3d(0, 600, 0)
    property bool inArea: false
    sendContactReports: true
    enableTriggerReports: true

    collisionShapes: SphereShape {}
    Model {
        source: "#Sphere"
        materials: PrincipledMaterial {
            baseColor: sphere.inArea ? "yellow" : "red"

The property inArea is a custom property we use to keep track of when the sphere is overlapping the box trigger body.