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Qt Remote Objects C++ Classes

Provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's properties, signals, or slots, between processes.

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Qt Remote Objects C++ Classes

Provides an easy to use mechanism for sharing a QObject's properties, signals, or slots, between processes.


  • QtRemoteObjects: The QtRemoteObjects namespace contains identifiers used in the Remote Objects module, as well as some functions used from code generated by the Replica Compiler (repc).


Detailed Description

To link against the module using CMake, add the following lines to your cmake file:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS RemoteObjects)
target_link_libraries(directconnectserver PRIVATE Qt6::RemoteObjects)

To link against the module using qmake, add this line to your .pro file:

QT       += remoteobjects

For more information, see Getting Started with Qt Remote Objects.

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