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Qt Serial Port

Provides an API to make serial programming simple and portable.

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Qt Serial Port

Qt Serial Port provides basic functionality for configuration, I/O operations, and getting and setting the control signals of the RS-232 pinouts.

The following items are not supported by this module:

  • Terminal features, such as echo, control CR/LF, and so on.

  • Text mode.

  • Configuring timeouts and delays while reading or writing.

  • Pinout signal change notification.

Using the Module

Using a Qt module's C++ API requires linking against the module library, either directly or through other dependencies. Several build tools have dedicated support for this, including CMake and qmake.

Building with CMake

Use the find_package() command to locate the needed module component in the Qt6 package:

find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SerialPort)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::SerialPort)

For more details, see the Build with CMake overview.

Building with qmake

To configure the module for building with qmake, add the module as a value of the QT variable in the project's .pro file:

QT += serialport

Module Evolution

Changes to Qt SerialPort lists important changes in the module API and functionality that were done for the Qt 6 series of Qt.

Related Information

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