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Qt Wayland Compositor Examples

Examples for the Qt Wayland Compositor module.

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Qt Wayland Compositor Examples

These are the Qt Wayland Compositor examples.

  • Custom Shell: Custom Shell shows how to implement a custom shell extension.

  • IVI Compositor: IVI Compositor is an example that demonstrates how to use the IviApplication extension.

  • Minimal CPP: Minimal CPP is an example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in C++.

  • Minimal QML: Minimal QML is a simple example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in QML.

  • Multi Output: Multi Output is an example that demonstrates a compositor with multiple outputs.

  • Multi Screen: Multi Screen is a desktop-style Wayland compositor for multiple screens.

  • Overview Compositor: Overview Compositor shows how to switch between clients in a grid.

  • Pure QML: Pure QML is an example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in pure QML.

  • QtShell Compositor: QtShell Compositor shows how to use the QtShell shell extension.

  • Server Side Decoration Compositor: Server Side Decoration Compositor is a simple example that demonstrates server side window decorations on xdg-shell.

  • Spanning Screens: Spanning Screens is an example that demonstrates how to let Wayland clients span multiple screens.

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