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QWebEngineQuotaRequest Class

The QWebEngineQuotaRequest class enables accepting or rejecting requests for larger persistent storage than the application's current allocation in File System API.

This class was introduced in Qt 5.11.

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QWebEngineQuotaRequest Class

  • Header: QWebEngineQuotaRequest

  • Since: Qt 5.11

  • CMake:

    find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WebEngineCore)

    target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WebEngineCore)

  • qmake: QT += webenginecore

  • Inherited By:

  • Instantiated By: qml-qtwebengine-quotarequest.xml

Detailed Description

This class is used by the QWebEnginePage::quotaRequested() signal to accept() or reject() a request for an increase in the persistent storage allocated to the application. The default quota is 0 bytes.

Property Documentation


[read-only] origin : const QUrl

This property holds the URL of the web page that issued the quota request.

Access functions:

  • origin() const

[read-only] requestedSize : const qint64

Contains the size of the requested disk space in bytes.

Access functions:

  • qint64 requestedSize() const

Member Function Documentation


void QWebEngineQuotaRequest::accept()

Accepts a request for larger persistent storage.

void QWebEngineQuotaRequest::reject()

Rejects a request for larger persistent storage.

bool QWebEngineQuotaRequest::operator!=(const QWebEngineQuotaRequest &that) const

Returns true if that points to a different object than this request.

bool QWebEngineQuotaRequest::operator==(const QWebEngineQuotaRequest &that) const

Returns true if that points to the same object as this quota request.

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