Mailing ListsTrolltech operates two mailing lists for Qt users: qt-announce and qt-interest .
qt-announceThe subscribers to this mailing list receives all official Trolltech announcements when new versions of Qt and other Trolltech products are released, and other Trolltech announcements of general interest.
To subscribe to the
You can also subscribe by sending an email containing just the word subscribe or subscribe your@email.address to To unsubscribe yourself from the
qt-interestThis mailing list is a discussion forum for Qt users. Typical traffic is 5-10 messages per day. An archive of the messages from qt-interest is available on the Troll Tech web site: Qt Mailing List Archive.
To subscribe to the
To unsubscribe yourself from the
qtopia-interestThis mailing list hosts discussion among active Qtopia developers and others interested in developing applications for the Qtopia platform. An archive of the mailing list is available. Additionally, the list is gatewayed to trolltech.qtopia-interest, a newsgroup on This gateway is open for everyone, but requires registration for posting (this is to avoid spamming of the newsgroups and mailing lists). To register for posting access, go here. Send the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) in the body of a message to to be added to or removed from qtopia-interest.
To unsubscribe yourself from the
qt-embedded-interestThis list is meant for questions and discussions regarding Qt/Embedded. An archive of the list is available. Additionally, the list is gatewayed to trolltech.qt-embedded-interest, a newsgroup on This gateway is open for everyone, but requires registration for posting (this is to avoid spamming of the newsgroups and mailing lists). To register for posting access, go here. Send the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" (without the quotes) in the body of a message to to be added to or removed from qt-embedded-interest.
snapshot-usersThere is a special mailing list,, for discussion of Qt snapshot-related issues. To subscribe, send a message containing just the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) to We encourage you to use this mailing list in stead of qt-interest for snapshot-specific issues. Trolltech does not sell or in any way redistribute the addresses on our mailing lists. We also employ active filtering to ensure the mailing lists are virtually free from spam. |
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