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QCopChannel Class Reference

This class provides communication capabilities between several clients. More...

#include <qcopchannel_qws.h>

Inherits QObject.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

  • QCopChannel ( const QCString & channel, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 ) 
  • virtual ~QCopChannel () 
  • QCString channel () const
  • virtual void receive ( const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) 


  • void received ( const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) 

Static Public Members

  • bool isRegistered ( const QCString & channel ) 
  • bool send ( const QCString & channel, const QCString & msg ) 
  • bool send ( const QCString & channel, const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) 
  • void sendLocally ( const QCString & ch, const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) (internal)

Detailed Description

This class provides communication capabilities between several clients.

The Qt Cop (QCOP) is a COmmunication Protocol, allowing clients to communicate inside of the same address space or between different processes.

Currently, this facility is only available on Qt/Embedded as on X11 and Windows we are exploring the use of existing standard such as DCOP and COM.

QCopChannel contains important functions like send() and isRegistered() which are static and therefore usable without an object.

In order to listen to the traffic on the channel, you should either subclass from QCopChannel and provide an re-implementation for receive(), or you should connect() to the received() signal.

Member Function Documentation

QCopChannel::QCopChannel ( const QCString & channel, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 )

Constructs a QCop channel and registers it with the server under the name channel. The standard parent and name arguments are passed on to the QObject constructor.

QCopChannel::~QCopChannel () [virtual]

Destructs the client's side end of the channel and notifies the server about the closing. The server itself keeps the channel open until the last registered client detaches.

QCString QCopChannel::channel () const

Returns the name of the channel.

bool QCopChannel::isRegistered ( const QCString & channel ) [static]

Queries the server for the existance of channel.

Returns TRUE if channel is registered.

void QCopChannel::receive ( const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) [virtual]

This virtual function allows subclasses of QCopChannel to process data received from their channel.

The default implementation emits the received() signal.

Note that the format of data has to be well defined in order to demarshall the contained information.

See also send().

void QCopChannel::received ( const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) [signal]

This signal is emitted whenever the receive() function gets incoming data.

bool QCopChannel::send ( const QCString & channel, const QCString & msg ) [static]

Send the message msg on channel. The message will be distributed to all clients subscribed to the channel.

See also receive().

bool QCopChannel::send ( const QCString & channel, const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) [static]

Same as above function except the additional data parameter. QDataStream provides a convenient way to fill the byte array with auxiliary data.

void QCopChannel::sendLocally ( const QCString & ch, const QCString & msg, const QByteArray & data ) [static]

For internal use only.

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