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This is the verbatim text of the qgl.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.
** $Id: //depot/qt/main/extensions/opengl/src/qgl.h#22 $
** Definition of OpenGL classes for Qt
** Created : 970112
** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the opengl module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition licenses may use this
** file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided
** with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See or email for
**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** See for QPL licensing information.
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#ifndef QGL_H
#define QGL_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include <qwidget.h>
#endif // QT_H

#define QGL_VERSION     450
#define QGL_VERSION_STR "4.5"

Q_EXPORT const char *qGLVersion();

#if !(defined(Q_WGL) || defined(Q_GLX))
#if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
#define Q_WGL
#define Q_GLX

#if defined(Q_WGL)
#include <qt_windows.h>

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>

class QGLColorMap;
class QPixmap;
#if defined(Q_GLX)
class QGLOverlayWidget;

// Namespace class:
    enum FormatOption {
        DoubleBuffer            = 0x0001,
        DepthBuffer             = 0x0002,
        Rgba                    = 0x0004,
        AlphaChannel            = 0x0008,
        AccumBuffer             = 0x0010,
        StencilBuffer           = 0x0020,
        StereoBuffers           = 0x0040,
        DirectRendering         = 0x0080,
        HasOverlay              = 0x0100,
        SingleBuffer            = DoubleBuffer  << 16,
        NoDepthBuffer           = DepthBuffer   << 16,
        ColorIndex              = Rgba          << 16,
        NoAlphaChannel          = AlphaChannel  << 16,
        NoAccumBuffer           = AccumBuffer   << 16,
        NoStencilBuffer         = StencilBuffer << 16,
        NoStereoBuffers         = StereoBuffers << 16,
        IndirectRendering       = DirectRendering << 16,
        NoOverlay               = HasOverlay << 16

class Q_EXPORT QGLFormat : public QGL
    QGLFormat( int options, int plane = 0 );

    bool                doubleBuffer() const;
    void                setDoubleBuffer( bool enable );
    bool                depth() const;
    void                setDepth( bool enable );
    bool                rgba() const;
    void                setRgba( bool enable );
    bool                alpha() const;
    void                setAlpha( bool enable );
    bool                accum() const;
    void                setAccum( bool enable );
    bool                stencil() const;
    void                setStencil( bool enable );
    bool                stereo() const;
    void                setStereo( bool enable );
    bool                directRendering() const;
    void                setDirectRendering( bool enable );
    bool                hasOverlay() const;
    void                setOverlay( bool enable );

    int                 plane() const;
    void                setPlane( int plane );

    void                setOption( FormatOption opt );
    bool                testOption( FormatOption opt ) const;
    static QGLFormat    defaultFormat();
    static void         setDefaultFormat( const QGLFormat& f );

    static QGLFormat    defaultOverlayFormat();
    static void         setDefaultOverlayFormat( const QGLFormat& f );

    static bool         hasOpenGL();
    static bool         hasOpenGLOverlays();

    friend Q_EXPORT bool operator==( const QGLFormat&, const QGLFormat& );
    friend Q_EXPORT bool operator!=( const QGLFormat&, const QGLFormat& );
    uint opts;
    int pln;

Q_EXPORT bool operator==( const QGLFormat&, const QGLFormat& );
Q_EXPORT bool operator!=( const QGLFormat&, const QGLFormat& );

class Q_EXPORT QGLContext : public QGL
    QGLContext( const QGLFormat& format, QPaintDevice* device );
    virtual ~QGLContext();

    virtual bool        create( const QGLContext* shareContext = 0 );
    bool                isValid() const;
    bool                isSharing() const;
    virtual void        reset();

    QGLFormat           format() const;
    virtual void        setFormat( const QGLFormat& format );

    virtual void        makeCurrent();
    virtual void        swapBuffers() const;

    QPaintDevice*       device() const;

    QColor              overlayTransparentColor() const;

    static const QGLContext*    currentContext();

    virtual bool        chooseContext( const QGLContext* shareContext = 0 );
    virtual void        doneCurrent();
#if defined(Q_WGL)
    virtual int         choosePixelFormat( void* pfd, HDC pdc );
#elif defined(Q_GLX)
    virtual void*       tryVisual( const QGLFormat& f, int bufDepth = 1 );
    virtual void*       chooseVisual();

    bool                deviceIsPixmap() const;
    bool                windowCreated() const;
    void                setWindowCreated( bool on );
    bool                initialized() const;
    void                setInitialized( bool on );

    uint                colorIndex( const QColor& c ) const;

#if defined(Q_WGL)
    HGLRC               rc;
    HDC                 dc;
    WId                 win;
    int                 pixelFormatId;
    QGLColorMap*                cmap;
#elif defined(Q_GLX)
    void*               vi;
    void*               cx;
    Q_UINT32            gpm;

    QGLFormat           glFormat;

    bool                valid;
    bool                sharing;
    bool                initDone;
    bool                crWin;
    QPaintDevice*       paintDevice;
    QColor              transpColor;
    static QGLContext*  currentCtx;

    friend class QGLWidget;
private:        // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
    QGLContext() {}
    QGLContext( const QGLContext& ) {}
    QGLContext&         operator=( const QGLContext& ) { return *this; }

class Q_EXPORT QGLWidget : public QWidget, public QGL
    QGLWidget( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0,
               const QGLWidget* shareWidget = 0, WFlags f=0 );
    QGLWidget( const QGLFormat& format, QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0,
               const QGLWidget* shareWidget = 0, WFlags f=0 );

    void                qglColor( const QColor& c ) const;
    void                qglClearColor( const QColor& c ) const;

    bool                isValid() const;
    bool                isSharing() const;
    virtual void        makeCurrent();

    bool                doubleBuffer() const;
    virtual void        swapBuffers();

    QGLFormat           format() const;
#if 1
    virtual void        setFormat( const QGLFormat& format ); // OBSOLETE

    const QGLContext*   context() const;
#if 1
    virtual void        setContext( QGLContext* context,
                                    const QGLContext* shareContext = 0,
                                    bool deleteOldContext = TRUE ); // OBSOLETE

    virtual QPixmap     renderPixmap( int w = 0, int h = 0,
                                      bool useContext = FALSE );

    virtual void        makeOverlayCurrent();
    const QGLContext*   overlayContext() const;

    void                setMouseTracking( bool enable );

    static QImage       convertToGLFormat( const QImage& img );

public slots:
    virtual void        updateGL();
    virtual void        updateOverlayGL();

    virtual void        initializeGL();
    virtual void        resizeGL( int w, int h );
    virtual void        paintGL();

    virtual void        initializeOverlayGL();
    virtual void        resizeOverlayGL( int w, int h );
    virtual void        paintOverlayGL();

    void                setAutoBufferSwap( bool on );
    bool                autoBufferSwap() const;

    void                paintEvent( QPaintEvent* );
    void                resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );

    virtual void        glInit();
    virtual void        glDraw();
    void                init( const QGLFormat& fmt,
                              const QGLWidget* shareWidget );
    bool                renderCxPm( QPixmap* pm );
    QGLContext*         glcx;
    bool                autoSwap;

#if defined(Q_WGL)
    QGLContext*         olcx;
#elif defined(Q_GLX)
    QGLOverlayWidget*   olw;
    friend class QGLOverlayWidget;

private:        // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
    QGLWidget( const QGLWidget& );
    QGLWidget&          operator=( const QGLWidget& );

// QGLFormat inline functions

inline bool QGLFormat::doubleBuffer() const
    return testOption( DoubleBuffer );

inline bool QGLFormat::depth() const
    return testOption( DepthBuffer );

inline bool QGLFormat::rgba() const
    return testOption( Rgba );

inline bool QGLFormat::alpha() const
    return testOption( AlphaChannel );

inline bool QGLFormat::accum() const
    return testOption( AccumBuffer );

inline bool QGLFormat::stencil() const
    return testOption( StencilBuffer );

inline bool QGLFormat::stereo() const
    return testOption( StereoBuffers );

inline bool QGLFormat::directRendering() const
    return testOption( DirectRendering );

inline bool QGLFormat::hasOverlay() const
    return testOption( HasOverlay );

// QGLContext inline functions

inline bool QGLContext::isValid() const
    return valid;
inline bool QGLContext::isSharing() const
    return sharing;
inline QGLFormat QGLContext::format() const
    return glFormat;

inline QPaintDevice* QGLContext::device() const
    return paintDevice;

inline bool QGLContext::deviceIsPixmap() const
    return paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap;

inline bool QGLContext::windowCreated() const
    return crWin;

inline void QGLContext::setWindowCreated( bool on )
    crWin = on;

inline bool QGLContext::initialized() const
    return initDone;

inline void QGLContext::setInitialized( bool on )
    initDone = on;

inline const QGLContext* QGLContext::currentContext()
    return currentCtx;

// QGLWidget inline functions

inline QGLFormat QGLWidget::format() const
    return glcx->format();

inline const QGLContext *QGLWidget::context() const
    return glcx;

inline bool QGLWidget::doubleBuffer() const
    return glcx->format().doubleBuffer();

inline void QGLWidget::setAutoBufferSwap( bool on )
    autoSwap = on;

inline bool QGLWidget::autoBufferSwap() const
    return autoSwap;

#endif // QGL_H


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